onsdag den 12. december 2007

The Journey has begun

A design process is like a journey into an undiscovered land. Sometime one might have to turn around and create another possible path, only this time wiser, but as you go along you learn, discover and create.

Our journey of this new design process has begun today. It is not clear where the journey will take us, but we know there are a lot for us to discover and create.

On this indecisive winter day in December thoughts and ideas of this new design process have been thrown between ears and walls.

The first angle we want to investigate is chosen on a basis of our backgrounds. It has to do with the experience of communicated experiences. The idea rose from the way different Third world nations organisations and NGOs communicate their work and experience in different countries. Often these magazines end up in the trash bin unread. We asked our selves if there are other ways to communicate these stories. Isn’t it possible to make the stories more relatable? We also talked about the difficulties concerning communicating ones experiences on a journey? We ask ourselves; how can a reader be engaged in the experience of another country without being there physically? Is it possible to transfer a part of the experience to someone else?

These were some of the many random thoughts. We have taken the first step into this field the next will be to investigate in some of our own travelling writings. Peter will look into the communication of a journey he recently took to Cuba. He wrote about his experiences with Cuba on a weblog belonging to an organisation for young people. Maria will dive into her old travelling journals to see how she has articulated her travelling and experiences.

At one point in today’s meeting, Peter took out a bunch of different things related to some of his travels. Pictures from Mongolia, a calendar from some mountains, a moleskin journal and so on, these are Physical artefacts that bring memories of a certain journey – a certain experience. Based on the fact that a lot of people have memorabilia’s from a journey we will both try to investigate this. We will look at some of the artefacts people bring with them as a memorabilia of a journey. Why are these things important?

The way we work
There are already a few things we find important in the way we work. From past experience we know how beneficial it can be to relocate every new meeting. Changing location is a great instrument when remembering different decisions at different stages in a design process. Therefore we will try to incorporate this in the meeting culture.

Another important point is to constantly search for the most interesting thing to do. To let the material speak and come alive as we follow the most interesting paths. This will be our driving force.

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